Cornus – The flowering dogwoods. Hardy native selections of florida and alternifolia, as well as extensive selections of the June-blooming Chinese or Kousa dogwood. Berkshire field-grown specimen Kousa dogwoods available.
Daphne ‘Carol Mackie’ – Superb field-grown plants of this fragrant shrub available.
Flowering Crabapples – Several varieties from small to specimen size. Pink, white or red flowering disease-resistant selections. Dwarf, weeping, upright or horizontal branching types. Berkshire field grown clump forms available.
Hydrangeas – Extensive selection includes ‘Firelight’, ‘Limelight’, ‘Little Lime’, ‘Pink Diamond’ and ‘Quickfire’. Several tree types also available. Hardy Lacecaps, including ‘Blue Billows’, ‘Tuff Stuff’, ‘Tiny Tuff Stuff’ and ‘Tough Stuff Ahha’.
Lilacs – Our specialty – Extensive selection of beautiful field-grown and container-grown French hybrids, including old-fashioned white and lavender. Also Korean in shrub and standard form and Japanese tree lilacs.
Magnolias – Extensive selection, including several yellow types and several varieties of the species.
Peonies, Tree Peonies, Intersectional Peonies, Poppies and Iris – Choice selections of these long-lived favorites in a wide range of colors and forms.
Prunus – The beautiful flowering cherries and purple-leafed plums.
Hardy Shrub Roses – Extensive selection of shrub roses including the better David Austin English roses, Canadian Explorer and Rugosa varieties. Many old and modern shrub and climber selections.
Viburnums – Several fragrant varieties available, as well as many of the larger growing types for specimen, screening or wildlife planting.
– What’s more at Windy Hill Farm this week –
Mother’s Day gifts • dahlia bulbs • hanging baskets • shade & flowering trees • Fedco seeds and seed potatoes • tree fruits & small fruits • ornamental grasses • specimen trees • flowering shrubs • dwarf & unusual evergreens • rare & hardy rhododendrons & mountain laurel • hardy shrub roses • vines • trellises • perennials • espaliered apples, pears & Asian pears • garden benches • pottery • statuary • landscape design, consultation & installation• well-stocked garden shop
Please check HERE for our COVID-19 Shopping Rules. Online orders and curbside pickup available.