Cornus – The flowering dogwoods. Hardy native selections of florida and alternifolia, as well as extensive selections of the June-blooming Chinese or Kousa dogwood. Berkshire field-grown specimen Kousa dogwoods available.
Daphne ‘Carol Mackie’ – Superb field-grown plants of this fragrant shrub available.
Flowering Crabapples – Several varieties from small to specimen size. Pink, white or red flowering disease-resistant selections. Dwarf, weeping, upright or horizontal branching types. Clump forms available.
Hydrangeas – Extensive selection includes ‘Limelight’, ‘Little Lime’, ‘Pink Diamond’ and ‘Quickfire’. Several tree types also available. Hardy Lacecaps, including ‘Blue Billows’, ‘Tuff Stuff’, ‘Tiny Tuff Stuff’ and ‘Tough Stuff Ahha’.
Lilacs – Our specialty.—Beautiful field-grown and container old-fashioned white and lavender, as well as French, Korean, Japanese tree lilacs and standard form available. Windy Hill Farm field-grown specimens available.
Magnolias – Extensive selections, including several yellow hybrids.
Peonies, Tree Peonies, Intersectional Peonies, Poppies and Iris – Choice selections of these long-lived favorites in a wide range of colors and forms.
Prunus – The beautiful flowering cherries and plums.
Hardy Shrub Roses – Extensive selection of shrub roses including the better David Austin English roses, Canadian Explorer and Rugosa varieties. Many old and modern shrub and climber selections.
Viburnums – Five fragrant varieties available, as well as many of the larger growing types for specimens, screening or wildlife plantings. Fragrant standards also available.