An extensive selection of these Spring-blooming favorites, in both small and specimen sizes.
Magnolias – Traditional favorites such as Saucer and the cultivars ‘Alexandrina’ and ‘Verbanica’ and the Star cultivars ‘Centennial’, ‘Rosea’ and ‘Royal Star’ as well as the older, outstanding hybrid crosses ‘Ballerina’, ‘Dr. Merrill’ and ‘Leonard Messel’. Also available are the newer hybrids, including ‘Butterflies’, ‘Coral Lake’, ‘Gold Star’, ‘Golden Gala’, ‘Golden Gift’, ‘Hattie Carthan’, ‘Jane’, ‘Sunsation’, ‘Woodsman’ and ‘Yellow Lantern’. In addition, we carry many of the species such as hypoleuca, sieboldi ‘Colossus’, tripetala and virginiana. Also the Khlem hybrid introductions ‘Elegant Spring’, ‘Purple Star’ and ‘Whispering Pink’.
Prunus – The beautiful flowering cherries with species sargentii variety ‘Spring Wonder’ and subhirtella varieties ‘Autumnalis’, and ‘Pendula’. Also including the outstanding hybrids ‘Accolade’, ‘Hally Jolivette’ and ‘Snow Fountain’ and other Prunus including the Newport flowering plum.
Amelanchier (Shadblow) – Native species such as canadensis, laevis and lamarcki, as well as grandiflora hybrids ‘Autumn Brilliance’ ‘Cole’s Select’, ‘Forest Prince’ and ‘Princess Diana’. Single and multi-stem available.