Peonies and Iris
Itoh- type Peonies – These crosses between tree peonies and herbaceous peonies are some of the most outstanding hybrids developed. They combine the best qualities of both parents. Several selections available.
Herbaceous Peony hybrids – We have a wide selection of field-grown divisions in single, double, semi-double and Japanese-type forms.
Japanese and Lutea Tree Peony hybrids – They thrive in sun or partial shade, growing up to 4 feet high and 5 feet across, covered with dinner-plate-size blooms in May and June. Unrivaled as a hardy flowering shrub for the Berkshires. A nice selection of hard-to-find cultivars.
Iris – Both large- and small – flowered selections, including:
• Iris germanica hybrids – bearded iris
• Iris siberica hybrids – rugged Siberian iris
• Iris ensata hybrids – choice Japanese iris, outststanding in wet soils